I haven’t written anything in a while. I would explain, but the explanation is simply – life. ??♀️
Anyway, during life, I was watching Real World Homecoming (which I have a lot of thoughts about!) and I liked Heather’s writing down things she learned each day, so I thought I might give that a crack as a way to get into a better habit of writing.
So, here we go:
Migraines suck
I may be having more migraines than I thought I was since a lot of the symptoms of vestibular migraine are different from what is commonly thought of as migraines. For example, vestibular migraines are less about the headache and more about dizziness and sensitivity to light/sound/motion.
This may mean I have a lot of frustrating elimination dieting and journaling and diagnosis to do for myself to figure out wtf is going on.
Fat /= disease
I’ve had drilled into my brain for so long that “fat = disease” that whenever anything seems off with me, I tend to think – oh it must be high blood pressure or diabetes or whatever else they always threatened people with dying from in The Biggest Loser. Reading What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat by Aubrey Gordon helped me start to question that thought process and reminded me how important it is to be your own advocate.
The stats say what?
Was reading Minda Harts’ book The Memo because I wanted to see how I could be a better workplace success partner* for women of color, and because I wanted to see what career advice she was giving. I’ve always found the Lean In stuff too unrealistic and privileged.
On one hand, I wished the book existed when I was starting my career because it would have helped me. On the other hand, it wouldn’t matter if it did because I would have read it and thought – no, the workplace can’t really be like that! And I would have been fucking wrong about that.
Anyway…. what she said is that as a success partner, we should be more aware that when we quote statistics about women in the workplace that “women” most often represents only white women. Therefore, we need to be more mindful when we are trying to represent the experience of women in the workplace because that experience is much broader and more varied than what can easily be rolled up into the umbrella of a singular experience.
* – “success partner” is what she likes to use instead of advocate or ally
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