About Me

For years, I have jotted down jokes I thought were funny, story ideas I thought were interesting, or questions I had. All with the idea that one day I would get around to drawing the comics, writing the stories, and looking up the answers to the questions.

The comics and stories most often revolved around my experiences. The times I felt like I was bumping up against stereotypes about age, gender, or weight. The times I felt like there were things about being a woman who is getting older that aren’t widely talked about.

I wanted to see the humor in it and I wanted to learn. I wanted other women to know that they aren’t alone in their experiences and to give them a head’s up about the things they aren’t seeing in women’s magazines or in media. Because even still, with all the so-called women’s empowerment, the media still creates an impossible standard. They want us to be do-it-all, have-it-all, young, successful, and rich objects of beauty forever. Objects of beauty with no wrinkles who never fart.

And that… well that is definitely not me. So, it’s time to get around to drawing the comics, writing the stories, and looking up the answers to the questions.

Some facts about me:

I spend more time than you would expect thinking about farts. 

Sometimes I forget that you shouldn’t abbreviate the word analysis.

I have so many socks that I could wear a different pair every day for six months.

I have spent a considerable amount of time figuring out how long a flight can be before all the air is farts. Like I said, I spend more time thinking about farts than you might expect.